Birmingham City Council House



The thank the following people for sharing their photographs:

Library: Elliot Brown

Selfridges: Lena Vasiljeva

Man on bench: Jun

Golden Boys in front of The Cube: Metrogogo

Grand Central frontage: Dun.can

Grand Central skylight: Paul Hudson

Town Hall: Guy Evans

Zazzle: products

Red Panda: A. Hisgett

City Council House: Roland Turner

Elliot Brown: Aston Hall.

We received encouragement and advice from people including from the following individuals and organisations, and thank them for their suggestions.

Anthony Collins Solicitors
Aston University
Birmingham City University
Birmingham Made Me
Birmingham Museums 
Boilerhouse Media
Bullring Birmingham
By Design
Cerebellum Bug Games
Clive Reeves PR
Custard Factory
Digital Birmingham
Digital Media Businesses
Fazeley Studios
FD Solutions
Hammerson PLC
The Information Daily
John Lewis
Library of Birmingham
The Lunar Society
Made by Young People
Marketing Birmingham
Monique Lee Millinery
Moseley B13
Music Shakers
New Optimists
Projects in Motion
Rosie Boulton
Science Capital
Shaded Rose
University of Newcastle Australia
Where Art Now